Mid Hudson Remodeling
Mid Hudson Remodeling

Mid Hudson Remodeling, in Poughkeepsie, NY

4.33 star(s) from 12 votes

Mid Hudson Remodeling, in Poughkeepsie, NY, is a general contractor offering Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling, Room Additions, Basement Finishing, Roofing and Siding Installations, and other building and remodeling services.

Founded in 1990, Mid Hudson Remodeling is known for its ability to fast track construction projects while at the same time bringing them in on budget and ensuring that they are built to the highest quality standards.

The company provides superior quality and services that exceed industry standards and its customers' expectations. After all its not just a room it is your dream, you’ve been envisioning what it could be, and Mid Hudson Remodeling wants to make your vision a reality.

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